i downloaded a video of this from Youtube to my iPod and boy oh boy it was indeed very fantastic!
the new mix for the song "Gennie in a Bottle" as the opening for her new single "Keeps Gettin' Better" proved that she's really getting better from the time she started until now. with her good voice and a more developed dancing skill, she's really grown into a very great performer. she's changed a lot. she's not afraid of trying new things and she doesn't care of what others may say about her. she's always been labeled trashy and her fashion sense doesn't approve fashion critics..oh come on, give her a break, we have the right to wear whatever we want to wear ayt?
anyway, in the performance she played a super heroine with outfit inspired
" Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better."
that's how she put it.
she really keeps on gettin' better!
hi phelps, i saw the performance in a replay yesterday... it was nice... but her outfit's a little off... almost camel toe-ish yung pants... but other than that she cleaned up nice... brit's better of course... hehe...
yeah yeah whatever i know you prefer bratney! the hell i care hahaha *joke* ilabyaw
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