i haven't seen you for almost a year now..but i can still remember you..
your face..and everything you are.
i would never forget that man, the man who brought me into this world.
i must admit we're not that close. but i know you love me.
you have flaws that i hate most but there are also some good things you did to me.
you would always be a part of me no matter what happens.
you drink a lot. i guess i got that talent from you.
i don't like it when you fight with my mother but i think that made your relationship stronger.
i hate it when you smell intoxicated by alcohol but i love it when you kiss me and you tell me how you love me as your son and how proud you are for having me.
we don't talk often and i don't share my experiences with you,
yet, im so happy that in my life, in the house i live in, we sang and played the same songs together.
you would compare me to my youngest sister because she knows how to drive our motorbike better than i do
and you would say that i'm a reckless driver,
but still you had patience in teaching me how to be a better driver like you.
you would always scold me and my sister for not washing our garments
but in a minute, you would do it for us instead.
you do a lot of things when you're in the house, you would always notice a lot of things
that shouldn't be noticed like even the smallest and tinest dirt that should be cleaned.
with that i would always wish you're not around,
but when you're gone, i wish you're home.
i know i have not shown you how much i love you.
i may have hated you for the pains that you've caused our family before.
things have changed now.. i have accepted all those that happened in the past..
there's no perfect family and there's no perfect father
you're only human..
you have your emotions..
and you make mistakes..
i would never trade you for another father..
i may not say this often..
but i do love you and i really miss you
if there's a word that i've been missing a lot...
it's the word "TATAY'".
i haven't uttered this word for like a year.
i can't wait to see you again.
to the best man in my life,
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