my heart was pounding when she dropped some of her urine on the pregnancy test last wednesday. i was praying that it would be negative though she's sure that she's really pregnant. she never had her menstration since her boyfriend left.she had been waiting but it did not come.
maybe that's the reason why some time last month, she asked me, "what would you feel if i get pregnant?", i answered, "i would really feel bad. you still have a lot of dreams and i think it's not yet the right time for you. he doesn't have a job yet."
it was confirmed last wednesday.she's not afraid. she's happy. she even said that she'll start preparing for her baby. i think it's a better way of hiding her real emotion. her family doesn't know it yet. we're the only persons in this world who knew about this. she's still waiting for the right time to tell her parents.
i don't know if she's ready. but she said that she is. she even bought anmun tonight and i accompanied her this morning for her first pre-natal check up and everyone in MADOCs thought that i am the father of her baby. but it's not a matter of saying that she's ready because she has to go through a lot of process. i just can't imagine her carrying all of this gift alone (i can't say that the baby is a problem).her boyfirend's in the province and it's quite unfair for her.but they're both happy that they'll be having a baby-on-the-go.
i've always been against pre-marital sex, but what can i do?i think everyone's been doing the act and i'm the only one who has not tried it yet! i'm a little guilty that i've never given them a good advice.
our lives will soon change. she'll be leaving us to start a famly of her own. this situation will all affect us.thinking of the future makes me sad.
she may have had the wrong decision of being pregnant, but keeping the baby is the greatest decision and i salute her for doing that.
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