Sunday, October 16, 2011

Crazy Sunday

My can't-stay-at-home-on-a-Sunday monster was awakened by a text message from one of my closest friends asking for a meet up. We barely see each other since she decided to move out of our house. What I hate about weekends is that I am always hungry. I don't have food at home. I am too tired to cook. I always get up late. So going out means eating out!

I arrived at our meeting place almost an hour late but I was lucky she did not get mad at me. We rarely clash 'cause we know each other too well. We both filled our empty stomach that we ended up having stomachache afterwards.

(She did not cry. Her eyes are really like that!)

(Me with my signature pose!)

We talked about crazy things - high school and college memories and the friends we have at the province. Whew! We never run out of funny moments together! I didn't know what got into her when she agreed to buy me a shirt at Oxygen. When we were still kids, she would always treat me and I guess that's innate.

(She asked me not to post this but I'm telling the whole world.)

And before I forget, I got myself a purple mouse!

(It doesn't look purplish in this photo.)

It was a such a crazy experience sharing my Sunday with Tintin. Crazy is normal for us.

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