Thursday, April 14, 2011


I dancercised for almost two hours and my body’s dripping wet with sweat. (Oh! yummy right?!) That’s how I start my day and I can’t blame anybody else but me whenever I feel some pain in my arms, abs and legs. I enjoy doing it though. I’ve been consistent with my schedule for a month now but I haven’t seen any development yet. Well, it’s better than to just sit around and do nothing.

After taking a bath (because I can’t consider bathing with sweat a real bathe), I decided to cut my old green skinny pants. I turned it into a shorty shorts inspired by a photo I saw online. I’ve been thinking about doing that for a hundred years and it was just yesterday that I had the courage to finally end its long life.

When I was on my way to fetch my friend, I received a call from a bank representative. Somebody referred me for a credit card. I thought my friend was playing a joke on me so I did not take the interview seriously. I was laughing and I asked if he knows my friend.  The agent started asking for my personal details and what-have-yous and I was stupid enough by answering accurate information. I’ve no idea who referred me but I hope it’ll get approved for a Samsung mobile phone comes along with the card. The entire conversation was funny and even the representative was laughing as well.

I watched RIO with a friend and I wore that shorts to make it appear like I’m wearing it new. I told her about the call and we had a good laugh about it. The movie’s very fun to watch especially when the birds sing. I always thought that Rio de Janeiro’s a lovely place. I’ll add it to my long list of dream places. Even if I die without going there, at least I dreamed of it. And before I forget, I liked Anne Hathaway’s voice on the movie. She really is amazing as always.

Sleeping at night is not a problem with me compared to sleeping at daylight (like what I’ve been doing for almost five years now). I slept early yesterday, too excited for my trip on Friday.

This entry’s kind of nonsense and useless if you were to ask me but on the other hand, you were informed about what happened to me. I’ve shared a piece of my day to you which is much easier than writing rhetoric stuff that I can’t seem to do at the time being.

If you noticed, I have a new blog header. I did not make the change yesterday though. It was done today.

I will be away for three days starting Friday to a place where it rains most of the time. Kthnxbye.

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